Action                 Trigger Firing Order                    Level
------                 --------------------                    -----
Runform                 1.  Pre-Logon                          Form
                        2.  On-Logon                           Form
                        3.  Post-Logon                         Form
                        4.  Pre-Form                           Form
                        5.  When-Create-Record                 Block
                        6.  Pre-Block                          Block
                        7.  Pre-Record                         Block
                        8.  Pre-Text-Item                      Item
                        9.  When-New-Form-Instance             Form
                        10. When-New-Block-Instance            Block
                        11. When-New-Record-Instance           Block
                        12. When-New-Item-Instance             Item

Enter Query             1.  Post-Text-Item                     Item
                        2.  Post-Record                        Block
                        3.  When-Clear-Block                   Block
                        4.  When-New-Record-Instance           Block
                        5.  When-New-Item-Instance             Item
Note: If you define the Key-ENTQRY trigger, this is the only trigger
      which fires in an Enter Query situation.
Execute Query
After Enter Query       1.  Pre-Query                          Block
                        2.  Pre-Select                         Block
                        3.  On-Select                          Block
                        4.  When-Clear-Block                   Block
                        5.  Post-Select                        Block
                        6.  On-Fetch                           Block
                        7.  On-Close                           Form
                        8.  When-Clear-Block                   Block
Note: If you define the Key-EXEQRY trigger, this is the only trigger
      which fires in an Execute Query situation.
Execute Query
Without Enter
Query                   1.  Post-Text-Item                     Block
                        2.  Pre-Query                          Block
                        3.  Pre-Select                         Block
                        4.  On-Select                          Block
                        5.  Post-Select                        Block
                        6.  On-Fetch                           Block
                        7.  On-Close                           Form
                        8.  When_Create_Record                 Block
                        9.  Pre-Record                         Block
                        10. Pre-Text-Item                      Item
                        11. When-New-Record-Instance           Block
                        12. When-New-Item-Instance             Item
Exit                    1.  Post-Text-Item                     Item
                        2.  Post-Record                        Block
                        3.  Post-Block                         Block
                        4.  Post-Form                          Form
                        5.  On-Rollback                        Form
                        6.  Pre-Logout                         Form
                        7.  On-Logout                          Form
                        8.  Post-Logout                        Form
Next Field and
Previous field          1.  When-New-Item-Instance             Item
Next Record and
Previous Record         1.  When-New-Record-Instance           Block
                        2.  When-New-Item-Instance             Item
Next Block and
Previous Block          1.  Post-Text-Item                     Item
                        2.  Post-Record                        Block
                        3.  Post-Block                         Block
                        4.  When-Create-Record                 Block
                        5.  Pre-Block                          Block
                        6.  Pre-Record                         Block
                        7.  Pre-Text-Item                      Block
                        8.  When-New-Block-Instance            Block
                        9.  When-New-Record-Instance           Block
                        10. When-New-Item-Instance             Form
Records Are Queried     1.  Post-Query                         Block
                        2.  Post-Change                        Block
                        3.  Post-Change                        Item
                        4.  Post-Change                        Block
                        5.  Post-Change                        Block
                        Go back to Post-Query
NOTE: This cycle is repeated for each record retrieved.
No Records Are Queried  1.  When-New-Record-Instance           Block
                        2.  When-New-Item-Instance             Item
NOTE: To observe this Trigger Firing Order:
        a.  Enter a query.
        b.  Enter a nonexistent record.
        c.  Execute the query.
      The two triggers listed above, the Enter Query triggers, and
      the Execute Query triggers fire.
Create Record           1.  Post-Change                         Block
                        2.  When-Validate-Item                  Block
                        3.  Post-Text-Item                      Block
                        4.  When-Validate-Record                Block
                        5.  Post-Record                         Block
                        6.  Post-Block                          Block
                        7.  On-Savepoint                        Form
                        8.  Pre-Commit                          Form
                        9.  Pre-Insert                          Block
                        10. On-Insert                           Form
                        11. Post-Insert                         Block
                        12. Post-Forms-Commit                   Form
                        13. On-Commit                           Form
                        14. Post-Database-Commit                Form
                        15. Pre-Block                           Block
                        16. Pre-Record                          Block
                        17. Pre-Text-Item                       Block
                        18. When-New-Item-Instance              Form
Update Record           1.  When-Database-Record                Block
                        2.  Post-Change                         Block
                        3.  When-Validate-Item                  Block
                        4.  Post-Text-Item                      Block
                        5.  When-Validate-Record                Block
                        6.  Post-Record                         Block
                        7.  Post-Block                          Block
                        8.  On-Savepoint                        Form
                        9.  Pre-Commit                          Form
                        10. Pre-Update                          Block
                        11. On-Update                           Block
                        12. Post-Update                         Block
                        13. Post-Forms-Commit                   Form
                        14. On-Commit                           Form
                        Here the transaction is complete and one record added.
                        15. Post-Database-Commit                Form
                        16. Pre-Text-Item                       Block
                        17. When-New-Item-Instance              Form
NOTE: To observe this Trigger Firing Order:
        a.  Execute a query.
        b.  Change a value.
        c.  Choose Action->Save from the menu.
        d.  Record the triggers from that point.
Delete Record           1.  On-Lock                             Block
                        2.  When-Remove-Record                  Block
                        3.  Post-Change                         Block
                        4.  Post-Change                         Block
                        5.  Post-Change                         Block
                        6.  Post-Change                         Block
                        7.  Post-Change                         Block
                        8.  Post-Change                         Block
                        9.  Post-Change                         Item
                        10. Post-Query                          Block
                        11. Post-Text-Item                      Block
                        12. Post-Record                         Block
                        13. Pre-Record                          Block
                        14. Pre-Text-Item                       Block
                        15. When-New-Record-Instance            Block
                        16. When-New-Item-Instance              Form
NOTE: To observe this Trigger Firing Order, delete a detail record.

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